Friday, January 11, 2008

Traditionalism vs. Innovation vs. Truth

I am currently reading Mark Driscoll's book "The Radical Reformission." I enjoy listening to his teaching at Mars Hill in Seattle and decided to read up on him and what he has to say. So far, I am not disappointed. In the chapter titled "And now, the News," Mark tackles the traditionalist view versus the view of an innovator and how both can hit the mark.

  1. Traditionalism
    1. "The result of traditionalism is a Christianity that has all the right answers to all the wrong questions."
    2. "There has never been a "good old day" since the Great Thud in Eden. Every age is filled with sin, sinners, God's love, and work to be done. Each generation has its resistance to the Gospel and each culture is equally far from God because of sin and equally close to God because of His love. As Solomon repeatedly says, there is indeed nothing new under the sun." both quotes from page 51
  2. Innovation
    1. Innovation, when not tethered to the truth of the Gospel, leads to heresy. Every heretic in the history of the church who took relevance to the culture beyond the bounds of orthodoxy...exchanged the truth of God for a lie." page 53
  3. Truth
    1. "The underlying motivations for both traditionalism and innovation are a sense of homelessness and a sense of lostness. In our fast-paced and ever-changing culture of insanity, many Christians are prone either to cling to yesterday or to run headlong into tomorrow searching for a home. What's our goal? Not to perpetuate a tradition or embrace an innovation. The goal of reformission is Jesus, to faithfully walk with Him on each step of our journey as we head toward the home He has prepared for us. Anything and everything less than life in Him, ministry through Him, glory to Him, by grace from Him as we journey with Him must continually be repented of as a sin, regardless of our history or degree of hipness." [emphasis mine] page 53

Do you want tradition? Do you want the latest fad? Or do you want Truth?

1 comment:

Vientos del Pueblo said...

Estamos en contra de que se de uso civil a la Base AĆ©rea de Getafe-.