Saturday, November 24, 2007

New Library Feature

I added a new feature to the blog recently. It is a library application. I have wanted to catalog all my books at some point but didn't know how to go about it. I saw this on Adrian Warnock's sight and it looked pretty good. You can do 200 books for free, then pay a 1 year membership of at least $6 (yes, you have an option!) or a lifetime fee starting at $19 (yes, there is an option here as well). You can import lists or export your library into a CSV or tab-delimited file. Some people might find it mind numbing, but I have found it enjoyable to look at all of my books. I remember the joy of reading the Hardy Boys for the first time or the thrill of my first college history classes.

Anyways, I hope it isn't distracting from the blog.

1 comment:

Rolland said...

I do not think it is distracting. I thought it was cool. I was looking into it to see if I could use it. I have been looking for something like an electronic card catalog for my library. This may be it. Thanks for letting me know about this.