Thursday, November 01, 2007

Reading the Bible

I came across this reminder to read the Bible, and even more so if I am going to consider myself a preacher of the Word. This is a post by John Brand at A Steward of the Secret Things.

You should read, read, read and go on reading, and you need to start doing so straight away. A daily portion for devotional meditation is important and indispensable, but a preacher or prospective preacher needs to go way beyond this. Turn off the television and spend several hours each evening with your Bible open, and make a start TODAY. Use a good sturdy Bible, probably with a hard cover, with good marginal references, and any method - marking, taking notes, circling in red ink any marginal reference that seems particularly significant - any method at all that will impress the inspired text on your memory, your imagination and your heart. Get inside the Bible and ask God to enable you to get it inside you.

The rest of the article is just as good.

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